Home News EU Radars: Last Beacon for Libya’s Flood Victims

EU Radars: Last Beacon for Libya’s Flood Victims

EU Radars: Last Beacon for Libya’s Flood Victims
EU Radars

Watan – In an act that underscores the urgency of the situation, the European Union has rolled out ground-penetrating radars to Derna, Libya. These aren’t just radars; they’re beacons of hope, illuminating the search for victims swallowed by the wrath of the Mediterranean cyclone “Daniel.”

The EU’s mission in Libya, through a poised statement on their official portal, conveyed that Derna’s investigative forces are at the forefront, navigating the aftermath of the floods that have scarred eastern Libya’s landscape. Armed with the EU’s state-of-the-art radars, these teams are not just prepared; they’re galvanized, ready to delve deeper into the search.

الرادارات المخترقة للأرض التي قدمها الاتحاد الأوروبي
The European Union’s ground-penetrating radars

Massive losses from Cyclone Daniel

Cyclone “Daniel,” on that fateful September 10th, didn’t just pass through eastern Libya—it left an indelible mark, especially on cities like Benghazi, Al Bayda, Al Marj, and Sousse. But it was Derna that bore the cyclone’s harshest vendetta. Official tallies paint a grim picture: 3,868 lives snuffed out, a figure that eerily aligns with the World Health Organization’s count, which speaks of 3,958 souls lost and a staggering 9,000 unaccounted for.

As Derna’s streets echo with grief, a coalition of local Libyan teams, fortified by international brigades from nations spanning from Turkey to Greece, and the broader European Union, are united in a solemn mission: to bring the departed home. The Libyan Criminal Investigation Agency, operating from its Benghazi base and liaising with the nation’s dual governance structures, has sounded the alarm—the missing might well exceed 10,000.

رادارات الاتحاد الأوروبي للبحث عن جثث مفقودي فيضانات ليبيا
European Union radars to search for the bodies of  missings in Libya’s floods

Importing pre-equipped homes

Amidst the backdrop of this tragedy, Libya’s National Unity Government, under the steadfast leadership of Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, is forging a way ahead, with a vision to prefabricated homes for those uprooted, a balm for the scars left by the floods that razed 5,000 dwellings.
Behind closed doors of the government, the sagacious Khaled Shakshak of the Audit Bureau orchestrates pivotal dialogues with a mission to rejuvenate 2,000 housing units in Derna, spared by Mother Nature’s wrath, and fast-track the provision of move-in-ready residences via the Economic and Social Development Fund. This endeavor transcends mere reconstruction; it’s a crusade to rekindle hope.

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