Watan-The Turkish website “haber7” reported that a fleet consisting of 1000 ships, carrying about 4500 people who oppose the massacres carried out by the occupation in Gaza, is heading towards the shores of the Gaza Strip. Some have described this idea as driving the Israeli occupation mad.
The website mentioned that around a thousand boats, mostly from Western countries, will set sail to the shores of Gaza via the Turkish coast.
Turkish media quoted one of the organizers of the campaign, named “Volkan Okçu,” as saying, “There will not be a single participant from Arab countries in the event… and we will not give Israel a winning card, hence all those on the boats are from Western countries.”
Okçu stated that “the largest number of participants in this event is from Russia with 313 boats, followed by Spain with 104 boats. Twelve boat owners from Turkey will also participate.”
A unique initiative by a Turkish journalist
Activists explained that the campaign originated from the individual initiative of a Turkish journalist who, after reaching out to human rights activists worldwide, organized the effort.
They added that volunteers, including families, politicians, businessmen, writers, lawyers, and academics, as well as Jews opposed to Zionism and occupation, are participating.
The goal of these boats is to draw attention to the plight of citizens in Gaza, a matter that infuriates Israel and is being discussed in the Israeli media, which speaks of attempts to thwart the campaign.
According to activists, the reason for choosing ships from Western countries is that it is impossible for Israel to involve itself and target citizens from 40 countries around the world, as stated in a tweet on the X platform.
اسرائيل تصاب بالجنون من فكره ابتكرها مركز الدراسات RUSSEN وينفذها صحفي تركي "
"بمبادره فرديه من صحفي تركي
بعد تواصله مع حقوقيون من كافه أنحاء العالم
" تم جمع وتنظيم اكثر من 1000 مركب شراعي ستنطلق من تركيا الى غزه
"هذه القوارب ستحمل أعلام ومواطنين من 40 دوله حول العالم… pic.twitter.com/4YUPhw07oD— Dr.mehmet canbekli (@Mehmetcanbekli1) November 21, 2023
The launch date of the campaign
Campaign organizer Volkan Okçu stated, “We emphasized the importance of strict adherence to international rules and not giving any pretext to the Israeli occupation.”
He continued, “We will first stop in Northern Cyprus to provide the necessary supplies. Our destination after Cyprus will be the Israeli port of Ashdod.”
Regarding the campaign’s goal, Okçu explained, “It is a reaction and civil disobedience against the inhumane massacre committed by Israel in Gaza and its people, as well as Palestinians in general.”
These boats will depart from Turkey on November 23. Among the participants in this maritime fleet are Jews opposed to Zionism.
This fleet is considered the largest protest action to date aimed at protecting the persecuted Palestinians and amplifying their voices to the world.