
Analyzing International Aid to Israel and Examining Claims of Arab Zionists’ Betrayal in Palestinian Affairs

Watan-In his signature satirical style, Egyptian comedian Youssef Hussein, host of the “Jaw Shaw” show, humorously highlighted the differences between assistance provided by Israel’s allies and that from Arab “collaborators” to Palestine.

According to Jaw Shaw, in the first week of Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa, President Joe Biden announced that aid was on its way to Israel. On the same day, the United States deployed the aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford to the Middle East.

On October 9th, France provided intelligence support to Israel, and just two days later, the British Foreign Secretary visited Israel, showcasing a sequence of international engagements benefiting the Israeli cause.

In the twelfth of the same month, Germany offered military assistance to Israel, dispatching two drones and deploying 140 soldiers off the Lebanese coast.

On October 18, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel, reaffirming solidarity. On the same day, Britain sent two warships and spy planes in support of Israel.

Simultaneously, the United States dispatched the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower to bolster Israel, paralleled by the German Foreign Minister’s visit and similar actions by the French Foreign Minister.

Jaw Shaw highlighted President Joe Biden and the German Chancellor’s visit to Israel, coupled with Israel’s request for emergency aid amounting to $14 billion, promptly fulfilled by the United States.

On October 19, the U.S. sent a cargo plane laden with 1000 tons of weapons and three warships. On the 24th of the same month, French President Emmanuel Macron visited Israel, advocating for an expanded international alliance against resistance.

By November 5, the United States sent its largest nuclear submarine to the Middle East through the Suez Canal. Three days later, the German government increased arms exports by tenfold compared to the previous year.

Egyptian satirist Youssef Hussein, on his show “Jaw Shaw,” underscored the contrast between the support provided by Arab and Islamic nations, self-proclaimed backers of the Palestinian cause, and the stark reality on the ground. Hussein asserted that the aid offered by these nations, meant to assist the Palestinians, was seized by Israel at the borders.

Widespread Reaction

This comparison sparked a broad reaction among social media activists. Yemeni journalist Anis Mansour pleaded with Gaza not to forgive those he labeled as “silent devils,” “morning traitors,” and “morally corrupt collaborators.” Faisal Ghazi Al-Badawi commented, “Sadly, it’s expected.”

Marwan expressed disappointment, stating, “The Arab-Islamic summit, presided over by his Excellency, the roaring bear, issued futile decisions because, simply put, decisions are made by men, and the summit was a summit of women par excellence.”

Another account, named “Meethaq,” commented, “Take this as well… Abu Manshar (Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman) nullified the summit’s decisions by withdrawing Arab ambassadors from Israel, even though his kingdom didn’t have an ambassador there in the first place, fearing the anticipated normalization fallout.”

A user named “Aleem” wrote, “The laughable and tearful.”

Arab Public Outrage

This comparison arises amid a wave of anger dominating Arab and Islamic populations due to the Palestinians facing Israeli aggression while being betrayed by collaborating regimes securing their thrones with Palestinian blood.

Additionally, the issue of aid entering Gaza, albeit meager and delayed, is under complete Israeli control, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the region.

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