Analyzing International Aid to Israel and Examining Claims of Arab Zionists’ Betrayal in Palestinian Affairs
Watan-In his signature satirical style, Egyptian comedian Youssef Hussein, host of the “Jaw Shaw” show, humorously highlighted the differences between assistance provided by Israel’s allies and that from Arab “collaborators” to Palestine.
According to Jaw Shaw, in the first week of Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa, President Joe Biden announced that aid was on its way to Israel. On the same day, the United States deployed the aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford to the Middle East.
On October 9th, France provided intelligence support to Israel, and just two days later, the British Foreign Secretary visited Israel, showcasing a sequence of international engagements benefiting the Israeli cause.
In the twelfth of the same month, Germany offered military assistance to Israel, dispatching two drones and deploying 140 soldiers off the Lebanese coast.
On October 18, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel, reaffirming solidarity. On the same day, Britain sent two warships and spy planes in support of Israel.
Simultaneously, the United States dispatched the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower to bolster Israel, paralleled by the German Foreign Minister’s visit and similar actions by the French Foreign Minister.
Jaw Shaw highlighted President Joe Biden and the German Chancellor’s visit to Israel, coupled with Israel’s request for emergency aid amounting to $14 billion, promptly fulfilled by the United States.
On October 19, the U.S. sent a cargo plane laden with 1000 tons of weapons and three warships. On the 24th of the same month, French President Emmanuel Macron visited Israel, advocating for an expanded international alliance against resistance.
By November 5, the United States sent its largest nuclear submarine to the Middle East through the Suez Canal. Three days later, the German government increased arms exports by tenfold compared to the previous year.