Home News Alarming Accusations: Rabbi Incites Soldiers to Kill Children and Assault Non-Jewish Women on Gaza strip

Alarming Accusations: Rabbi Incites Soldiers to Kill Children and Assault Non-Jewish Women on Gaza strip

Alarming Accusations: Rabbi Incites Soldiers to Kill Children and Assault Non-Jewish Women on Gaza strip
A Jewish rabbi incites to kill children

Watan-In an address, Hamas leader “Osama Hamdan” presented video clips featuring Jewish rabbis inciting Israeli occupation soldiers to kill children and rape non-Jewish women.

Speaking to several media outlets, Osama Hamdan discussed what he described as baseless allegations existing only in the delusional imagination of extremist Zionist figures. These allegations purportedly permit the sexual assault of non-Jewish women by occupation soldiers, according to the terminology used by the rabbis. Hamdan asserted that these calls are derived, as he claimed, from the incitement of the chief rabbi of the Zionist army, “Eyal Moshe Kreim.”

Hamdan displayed an image of the rabbi who allegedly sanctioned the rape of non-Jewish women during wartime and quoted the extremist rabbi as saying, “Since our concern is the success of the group in war, the Torah allowed satisfying the soldiers’ desire for women under the conditions it set—according to the Torah—purportedly for the success of the group. He claimed that it is permissible to engage in sexual relations with women during war against their will, meaning by force.

The necessity of killing children

The Hamas leader recounted that another rabbi named “Yaron” spoke about not just permitting but obligating the killing of children according to Torah texts. The mentioned rabbi claimed that one might think they are merciful towards the child, but in reality, they are cruel towards the ultimate victim. According to the racist rabbi, the child will grow up and kill because, as he alleged, the creed the child will grow up with is even worse than that of their father. He claimed that, according to Deuteronomy 16:20, the rules of war do not allow anyone to remain alive—no exceptions, no mercy.

Furthermore, in Deuteronomy 19:25, it is asserted that the memory of Amalek should be completely erased from existence, including men, women, and children. The rabbi claimed that the Torah states: “They have no right to exist.”

It is worth noting that there are numerous accusations against Zionist rabbis of distorting Torah texts to justify the religious aspect of the crimes committed by the occupation army and to convince soldiers to carry them out under religious pretenses.

The term “Amalek” is used to express the peoples that threaten the existence of the occupation, whether by rabbis or politicians, with the latest being the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who quoted phrases from the Torah to incite Israeli soldiers against the Gaza Strip.

In a message distributed by the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, Netanyahu wrote addressing the soldiers: “Remember what Amalek did to you.” This is a passage from the Book of Deuteronomy that reads, “Remember what Amalek did to you on the way as you came out of Egypt.”

Amalek represents the epitome of evil in Jewish traditions, and this term is used to refer to the peoples that threaten Jewish existence. Netanyahu has used this expression multiple times to motivate the Israeli army in its war against the Gaza Strip.

According to Jewish traditions, the homeland of Amalek, the oldest nation in the world, is the land of Edom situated between the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea (Genesis 36:16). Other books of the Old Testament mention that the Amalekites lived throughout northern Arabia, from the Negev Desert west of the Dead Sea to Egypt, including the Sinai Peninsula and Najd.

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- Writer and journalist, born in Homs, 1966, published in various Arab magazines and newspapers since 1983. She studied at the Shari 'a Scientific Institute and then at the Shari' a High School in Homs. She worked as a correspondent for the Arab Equidad newspaper in the United States of America. - New Jersey, Al-Ayam Al-Arabiya, Florida, 1990-2000, Gulf, United Arab Emirates Sharjah - Al-Ittihad Abu Dhabi - Rotana Saudi Magazine - Family Days Magazine (Syrian) Most Syrian newspapers and magazines, after moving to Jordan, followed two press and radio sessions of the community media network and a session of the Doha Center for Media Freedom in Amman and completed dozens of radio reports on the country's radio and Amman Net. I have been working as a collaborator with Zaman Al Wassal on the name "Fars Al Rufai" since 2013. I have an interest in writing about social issues, heritage, phenomena and various artistic subjects. I have many printed books, including: (Questions - confrontations in thought, life and creativity), "Customs and beliefs of Homs Governorate - Syrian Writers' Commission in Damascus 2011, (images from social life in Bedouin) of Al-Rahsah Printing and Publishing House in Homs 2008 and (features and flags from Homs) of Taha Printing and Publishing House 2010. - Many written books, including: (Obad and cultural creations from Syria), (Writing Time - Listening Time - Dialogues in Thought, Life and Creativity) - printed electronically on "eBook", (Trades and Industries of Heritage of Homs), (Exotic Hand, Face and Tongue - Photographs from Popular Heritage s in Homs) and (Famous Homs in the 12th and 13th CentCenturies).


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