Courage Amidst Crisis: Palestinian Woman Confronts Israeli Soldiers Rape Threat in Front of Her Child in Gaza

Watan-In a harrowing incident in the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian woman faced a threatening encounter with an Israeli soldier, who brandished his weapon at her. Despite the intimidation, she responded with remarkable resilience.

The woman recounted that the Israeli soldier pointed his gun directly at her, emphasizing that a female Israeli soldier stood just a short distance away. However, the soldier communicated with her using sign language to convey his intentions.

And she added that the occupation forces, specifically the female soldiers, demanded her to remove her clothes under the pretext of searching her. She explained that the Israeli soldier attacked her, hitting her on her pregnant belly, despite informing him of her pregnancy. However, he ignored it and persisted in assaulting her.

She pointed out that the Israeli soldier threatened her, either with herself or with her son. She clarified that the soldier informed her that he and his colleagues would take turns raping her.

As for her response to the Israeli soldier, the Palestinian woman revealed, ‘I told him kill me.'”

Warnings of Israeli Rape Crimes

The Palestinian “Return” Center issued a warning about cases of rape and sexual assault that the occupying army may commit in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement, the center stated that in light of the widespread violations committed by the occupation army in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Return Center warns of systematic violations against civilian populations in Gaza, including cases of rape and sexual assault.

The center added that the scenes of the arrest of dozens of civilians in the Beit Lahia area in northern Gaza and their forced nudity reflect the malicious intent of the occupation army to carry out retaliatory acts of humiliation against Palestinians.

A Notorious Record of Rape Crimes in the Occupation Army

The statement pointed out that given the long record of the occupation army and its security forces in committing sexual assaults, many of which have gone unpunished and have been documented by human rights organizations, there is a warning of systematic sexual assault, especially against Palestinian women and children.

It emphasized that the polarization and media and psychological mobilization undergone by the soldiers and officers of the occupation fuel the retaliatory tendency within an army that is always ready to commit the worst violations.”

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