Home News Unprecedented Shifts: Israel’s Impact on Sunni-Shiite Unity and Regional Dynamics

Unprecedented Shifts: Israel’s Impact on Sunni-Shiite Unity and Regional Dynamics

Unprecedented Shifts: Israel’s Impact on Sunni-Shiite Unity and Regional Dynamics
Douglas Macgregor, former advisor to the Pentagon

Watan-In statements that sparked widespread reactions, a former advisor to the Pentagon said that Israel is doing something unprecedented, causing the unification of Sunnis and Shiites against it. Colonel Douglas Macgregor noted that as Americans witness more destruction and see more footage and images coming from Gaza, depicting children, women, and elderly men dying and being killed, the support for Israel will erode. He predicted that anger and hatred toward Israel will reach exceptional levels within the region.

Macgregor concluded that Israel is doing something unprecedented: “Not in my lifetime, at least, which is unifying Sunnis and Shiites against it.”

Douglas Macgregor is a retired U.S. Army Colonel with a Ph.D., a former senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense, a lecturer in foreign policy and defense, and the author of five books along with numerous articles.

Cooperation Despite Differences in Religious Ideology

The American newspaper “NPR” dedicated a portion of its reports to observing the unity that exists in the Middle East region among quasi-military groups of both Sunnis and Shiites, despite their ideological and religious differences.

According to the newspaper’s report, the war in Gaza has driven powerful Shiite quasi-military groups supported by Iran and armed Sunni factions to form a stronger cooperation, even though they differ in religious ideology.

Their unity is manifested in opposition to Israel and the United States. In this context, Hamas, which carried out the Al-Aqsa Tempest operation, is primarily a Sunni Muslim Palestinian movement. Nevertheless, the group, whose name is an Arabic acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement, collaborates seamlessly with Shiite groups and enjoys unprecedented support from them, according to the report.

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- Writer and journalist, born in Homs, 1966, published in various Arab magazines and newspapers since 1983. She studied at the Shari 'a Scientific Institute and then at the Shari' a High School in Homs. She worked as a correspondent for the Arab Equidad newspaper in the United States of America. - New Jersey, Al-Ayam Al-Arabiya, Florida, 1990-2000, Gulf, United Arab Emirates Sharjah - Al-Ittihad Abu Dhabi - Rotana Saudi Magazine - Family Days Magazine (Syrian) Most Syrian newspapers and magazines, after moving to Jordan, followed two press and radio sessions of the community media network and a session of the Doha Center for Media Freedom in Amman and completed dozens of radio reports on the country's radio and Amman Net. I have been working as a collaborator with Zaman Al Wassal on the name "Fars Al Rufai" since 2013. I have an interest in writing about social issues, heritage, phenomena and various artistic subjects. I have many printed books, including: (Questions - confrontations in thought, life and creativity), "Customs and beliefs of Homs Governorate - Syrian Writers' Commission in Damascus 2011, (images from social life in Bedouin) of Al-Rahsah Printing and Publishing House in Homs 2008 and (features and flags from Homs) of Taha Printing and Publishing House 2010. - Many written books, including: (Obad and cultural creations from Syria), (Writing Time - Listening Time - Dialogues in Thought, Life and Creativity) - printed electronically on "eBook", (Trades and Industries of Heritage of Homs), (Exotic Hand, Face and Tongue - Photographs from Popular Heritage s in Homs) and (Famous Homs in the 12th and 13th CentCenturies).


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