Home News Unveiling the Palestinian Resistance’s Military Miracle: Insights from Mohammed al-Mukhtar al-Shanqiti

Unveiling the Palestinian Resistance’s Military Miracle: Insights from Mohammed al-Mukhtar al-Shanqiti

Unveiling the Palestinian Resistance’s Military Miracle: Insights from Mohammed al-Mukhtar al-Shanqiti
The academic Mohammed al-Mukhtar al-Shanqiti affirms that the experience of Palestinian resistance will be immortalized in history as a military miracle.

Watan-Professor of International Affairs at Qatar University, the Mauritanian thinker and political analyst, Mohammed al-Mukhtar al-Shanqiti, said that the Palestinian resistance has achieved a military miracle, without exaggeration, and its experience will enter the history books through wide-open doors.

The academic Mohammed al-Mukhtar al-Shanqiti added in a video broadcast by Al Jazeera: “The fundamental principle is that resistance and liberation wars only succeed if they are in a vast land with rugged terrain and have a supportive environment and prestige.”

“What the resistance has accomplished is a military miracle by all measures”

And he continued, citing the example that the Vietnamese had the support of the Chinese and Russians, which are great countries with prestige, and it is not easy to breach their borders. Algeria, he added, is like a continent in terms of its vast area, featuring deserts, mountains, and valleys. The Mauritanian academic, residing in Qatar, clarified that Afghanistan is also a vast and rugged country with mountains and challenging terrains, a modern landscape.

He further emphasized that all the successful objective conditions for liberation wars are not present in Gaza; on the contrary, it is a small, flat land primarily bordered by the sea. He noted the collaborative stance of its neighbors and their dealings with the resistance.

Mohammed al-Mukhtar al-Shanqiti reiterated that what the Palestinian resistance achieved in the Gaza Strip is undoubtedly an astonishing miracle. He concluded, “I am convinced that anyone witnessing any military scene of liberation wars, revolutions, or so-called ‘unconventional wars’ will be amazed by what has happened.” He expressed optimism that despite all the suffering and bloodshed, there is a political and strategic intelligence behind the resistance. He emphasized that there is no doubt that this experience will enter the history books, which, according to him, is what makes him optimistic.”


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- Writer and journalist, born in Homs, 1966, published in various Arab magazines and newspapers since 1983. She studied at the Shari 'a Scientific Institute and then at the Shari' a High School in Homs. She worked as a correspondent for the Arab Equidad newspaper in the United States of America. - New Jersey, Al-Ayam Al-Arabiya, Florida, 1990-2000, Gulf, United Arab Emirates Sharjah - Al-Ittihad Abu Dhabi - Rotana Saudi Magazine - Family Days Magazine (Syrian) Most Syrian newspapers and magazines, after moving to Jordan, followed two press and radio sessions of the community media network and a session of the Doha Center for Media Freedom in Amman and completed dozens of radio reports on the country's radio and Amman Net. I have been working as a collaborator with Zaman Al Wassal on the name "Fars Al Rufai" since 2013. I have an interest in writing about social issues, heritage, phenomena and various artistic subjects. I have many printed books, including: (Questions - confrontations in thought, life and creativity), "Customs and beliefs of Homs Governorate - Syrian Writers' Commission in Damascus 2011, (images from social life in Bedouin) of Al-Rahsah Printing and Publishing House in Homs 2008 and (features and flags from Homs) of Taha Printing and Publishing House 2010. - Many written books, including: (Obad and cultural creations from Syria), (Writing Time - Listening Time - Dialogues in Thought, Life and Creativity) - printed electronically on "eBook", (Trades and Industries of Heritage of Homs), (Exotic Hand, Face and Tongue - Photographs from Popular Heritage s in Homs) and (Famous Homs in the 12th and 13th CentCenturies).


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