Watan-The Hebrew channel “Channel 11” stated that Gaza soil contains a type of fungi and mold that infects Israeli army soldiers, particularly the wounded, with previously unknown infections and inflammations. This situation is unprecedented for the occupying army and the Israeli Infectious Diseases Committee, and currently, there is no known treatment for these infections.
Hebrew media outlets revealed that the Israeli occupying army has faced an unusual increase in cases of gastrointestinal diseases and food poisoning among its soldiers in recent weeks, especially among fighters in the Gaza Strip.
القناة 11 الإسرائيلية
في تراب غزة يوجد نوع من الفطريات والعفن يصيب جنود الجيش الإسرائيلي الجرحى بعدوى والتهابات غير معروفة سابقا للجيش الإسرائيلي ولجنة الأمراض المعدية في اسرائيل ولا يوجد لها حاليا اي نوع من العلاج .#حلل_يا_دويري pic.twitter.com/GnV1flBZbr— المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام (@PalinfoAr) December 26, 2023
The channel, in a report monitored by (Watan), pointed out that senior doctors will hold an urgent meeting following the infection of soldiers with severe and difficult inflammations in Gaza. The report added that one of the soldiers died as a result of this inflammation.
The Hebrew Channel 11 emphasized that the Infectious Diseases Physicians Union will hold an emergency meeting to discuss the soldiers’ infection in Gaza with fungi and mold, originating specifically from the soil and earth in Gaza.
An Israeli soldier died from fungi
The channel continued in its report that “after the soldiers are injured, their wounds become contaminated.” Two weeks ago, a soldier with severe limb injuries arrived at Asuta Hospital in the settlement of Ashdod. After several days, it was discovered that he was infected with two types of fungi from the soil of Gaza.
The report noted that doctors tried various treatment methods with the sick soldier. Specialized doctors and new experimental medications were brought in, but they were unable to save his life as the fungi had taken over his body, and he later passed away.