
Heart-Wrenching Plea: Palestinian Girl’s Cry for a Biscuit Sparks Outcry at Egypt-Gaza Border

Watan-Social media users have been circulating a poignant video of a Palestinian girl at the border fence between Egypt and Gaza. In the video, she calls out to an Egyptian border guard, asking him for a biscuit because she is hungry.

The girl appears in the video, standing next to one of the observation towers near the seashore, addressing the unseen soldier: ‘Uncle, I want a biscuit; I’m hungry.’

According to the Russian agency “Russia Today,” which shared the video, it was unable to verify the location and timing of the video. However, some social media users confirmed that it was a maritime border point between Egypt and Gaza.

No one will escape [being held] accountable by staying silent and submissive

A large number of users on the former X-Twitter platform reacted to the emotional video, calling for patience, steadfastness, and imminent relief for the people of Palestine.

In this context, ‘Shabl Taha’ commented, ‘May God avenge anyone who could be the cause of their salvation and did not act.’ He added, ‘The turn will come for everyone, and no one will escape silence and surrender.’

Another user questioned, ‘Who would imagine that Egypt, the stronghold of the Arab world, with the most powerful army in the Middle East, would fear the Zionist colony, and the Palestinian people would starve, waiting for the orders of the occupiers, the pigs?’



At the same time, ‘Ridwan Ahmed Ridwan’ described what is happening as shameful, disgraceful, and a humiliation beyond humiliation for sovereign nations.

‘Ali’ expressed disbelief at the moving scene, saying, ‘I can’t believe that Egyptians are just watching the people of Gaza die. We will be held accountable for things we never imagined we would be accountable for. May God be with us.’

Responding to the emotional video with a poetic verse, one X account said, ‘For such, the heart weeps from distress… If there is Islam and faith in the heart.’

While some commentators criticized the soldier who did not help the girl, stating that he is not in a position to do anything – according to them – ‘Hussein Salah’ defended him, saying, ‘The soldier has nothing in his hands to do because he is on guard duty in a border area, and every move is calculated.’ He continued, ‘May God help him and strengthen him in what he is facing.

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