Unveiling the Mental Toll: Israeli Soldier’s Tragic Act Sheds Light on Post-War Trauma

Watan-In an indication of the psychological traumas experienced by occupation soldiers due to the challenges they face in the Gaza Strip, an Israeli soldier who recently returned from fighting in Gaza shot and killed his friend in Tel Aviv.

Israeli media outlets published details of the incident, stating that a soldier who had recently returned from fighting in the Gaza Strip killed his friend inside an apartment.

The channel added that the background of the incident is criminal, and both the perpetrator and the victim are 25 years old. It noted that the perpetrator was carrying a licensed weapon, without providing details about the incident and its circumstances.

Thousands of soldiers face psychological crises

Thousands of soldiers face psychological crises. Previous reports revealed that thousands of Israeli soldiers discharged from service in the war on the Gaza Strip are suffering from post-war trauma.

The Israeli “Walla” website reported that 1,600 Israeli soldiers and officers are experiencing post-war trauma, with at least 250 of them being discharged.

The Israeli occupation army also admitted that nine thousand soldiers received psychological assistance since October 7th of the previous year, adding that a quarter of them did not return to combat.

A soldier returning from Gaza opens fire on comrades due to a nightmare. In a startling incident, an Israeli soldier opened fire on his comrades in a room due to a nightmare after returning from the war in Gaza.

A soldier returning from Gaza opens fire on comrades due to a nightmare

This soldier had been discharged from service in the Gaza Strip and moved to a rest camp in the Israeli occupation army in Ashkelon, where he experienced a state of panic. He woke up hysterically from a nightmare and began firing inside the room where he was sleeping, accidentally hitting several of his comrades.

This incident highlighted the extent of disturbances experienced by some Israeli army soldiers returning from the Gaza Strip or those still fighting there.

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