Unlocking the Benefits of Olive Oil: A Natural Solution to Constipation

Watan-Constipation is among the most common digestive issues affecting many people, but a new study revealed how consuming one or two tablespoons of olive oil in the early morning on an empty stomach can help alleviate this problem.

The study explains that olive oil is the king of monounsaturated fats. It is rich in antioxidants and other beneficial health compounds, with its most common use being as a natural laxative.

According to a research paper published by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation: “Constipation occurs because the colon (large intestine) absorbs too much water from the stool. This dries it out, making it difficult to push out of the body.”

Consuming one or two tablespoons of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach alleviates constipation

Consuming one or two tablespoons of olive oil in the early morning on an empty stomach can alleviate constipation. The study also indicates that olive oil can alleviate this problem by helping to soothe the inner part of a person’s intestines and soften the stool by aiding in the absorption of more water.

The study further points out that consuming olive oil in the early morning contributes to coating the stomach to aid in digestion, expelling waste, and regulating intestinal microorganisms throughout the day, in addition to obtaining a daily dose of antioxidants and polyphenols.

Other studies have also shown that more than half a tablespoon of olive oil can reduce the risk of death from cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and respiratory diseases, according to Medical Express.

Experts suggest consuming a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil for maximum absorption of nutrients.

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