
Unveiling the Ferocious Brown Hyena: Fearless Predator of the Desert Wilds

Watan-A video has been circulating on social media highlighting the brown hyena, confirming it as a terrifying animal that lions and spotted tigers fear. As soon as they encounter it, they abandon their prey and flee without any resistance.

This is not surprising because the brown hyena, or strandwolf, is not an ordinary hyena. It is capable of defeating entire packs of wild dogs or overpowering leopards and spotted tigers.

Even species of spotted hyenas fear and avoid the brown hyena, often retreating in thrilling confrontations.

The secret of the strength and superiority of the brown hyena

The secret behind the strength and dominance of the brown hyena lies in its aggressive and swift predatory nature. It is one of the fiercest predators in South Africa, remaining scarce with only between 4,000 and 10,000 individuals left.

From a distance, it may be mistaken for a canine due to its thick fur, which serves as protection against the teeth of other predators.

Readers might be surprised to learn that the brown hyena’s fur is the key to its strength. When under attack, it fluffs up its fur, appearing much larger than its actual size, intimidating other animals.

The length of its head and body can range from 86 to 140 cm, with an average of 110 to 125 cm, and males are slightly larger than females.

Known as the brown hyena or strandwolf in English, it inhabits the Kalahari and Namib deserts in South Africa.

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