Uncovering Allegations: Sexual Assault Claims Among Israeli Female Soldiers in Gaza War
Watan-Spread on social media platforms, there were claims that three female volunteer soldiers in the Israeli occupying army, of Ukrainian origin, were raped by their colleagues for a month during the brutal war in the Gaza Strip.
As the brutal war against Gaza continues, there is a spread of footage and scenes alleging many unconfirmed events and incidents, which are usually denied by Western and Arab media outlets and agencies.
Among these events are allegations of the rape of three young women who were soldiers in the occupying army, based on images of three women in military uniforms, reportedly of Ukrainian origin who volunteered after the “Operation Cast Lead” and were raped over several weeks.
Sexual assaults on three Israeli female soldiers
These posts and images gained widespread circulation on social media platforms, especially Facebook and Twitter, with much talk about sexual assaults attributed to both parties.
Through research into these images, it became apparent that they had been widely circulated on search engines and social media sites and on military affairs websites, but in previous years.
It is refuted that these young women volunteered in the Israeli army after October 7 and were subsequently raped, as claimed by the posts, and data from the “TinEye” website showed that the publication of these images on the internet dates back to 2009.
فضيحة ج/للجيش المفلس اخلاقيآ🔻
3مجندات يهوديات من أصول اوكرانية
اتين للقتال في #غزة وتم انخراطهن كقوة إسناد في لواء جعفاتي وقبل نصف شهر تم اختفائهن ويوم امس عثروا عليهن في ثكنة عسكرية وقد سجنوهن وتم اغتصابهن بشكل جماعي من قبل قائد في الواء ومجموعة من المقربين له #فريق_مجاهدون pic.twitter.com/EIvhAjx7O4— عصام الذاري (@Esaam_Al_d) March 1, 2024
Occupation promoting significant lies
The Israeli occupation promoted lies alleging that the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas committed acts of rape against settlers during the “Operation Cast Lead,” but all of this was never proven and it was confirmed to be entirely false by Western media outlets.
UN human rights experts have called for an independent investigation into Israeli violations suspected of being committed against Palestinian women and girls, including murder, rape, and sexual assault, in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank.
فضيحة: 3 مجندات يهوديات من أصول اوكرانية اتين للقتال في #غزة بعد احداث 7 اكتوبر وتم انخراطهن كقوة إسناد في لواء #جعفاتي وقبل نصف شهر تم اختفائهن وتم العثور عليهن في ثكنة عسكرية تم سجنهن فيها من قبل قائد كبير في الواء ومجموعة من المقربين حيث تم اغتصابهن بشكل جماعي لمدة نصف شهر. pic.twitter.com/OhEh6mWFg0
— Ktir News (@Ktir_News) March 1, 2024
While the occupation commits horrific violations and crimes against Palestinians, especially detainees, the Western media either ignores it or hastily covers it, dedicating hours and lengthy reports to any rumors attributed to Hamas that have no basis in truth.