Home News Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Resigns After Hamas Attack: Aman’s Leadership Under Scrutiny

Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Resigns After Hamas Attack: Aman’s Leadership Under Scrutiny

Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Resigns After Hamas Attack: Aman’s Leadership Under Scrutiny
Major General Aharon Haliva,

Watan-Hebrew media reported that the head of the Israeli military intelligence division, “Aman,” Major General “Aharon Haliva,” has decided to resign from his position on Monday due to his failure to prevent the Hamas attack on October 7.

Haliva is the first among senior security and political leaders in the occupation to announce his retirement, following his responsibility for the failures that led to significant losses for Israel due to the October 7 attack and the outbreak of war.

A comprehensive investigation

The Israeli army radio stated that “Haliva” decided to resign from his position due to the events of October 7, indicating that the resignation will not take immediate effect but is expected within a few weeks.

The Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” reported that Haliva submitted a resignation letter to the chief of staff, stating, “Throughout my duties, I knew that alongside authority comes responsibility.”

He called for the establishment of a government investigation committee “capable of conducting a comprehensive investigation into all the circumstances and factors that led to the difficult events,” according to his statement.

On the other hand, the newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth” said that Haliva informed the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Hertzi Halevi, of his resignation from the army “after being responsible for the ‘Operation Northern Flood’ on October 7,” indicating that “Haliva had initially decided to retire due to the failures of October 7, but now he has decided to implement his intention to resign.”

He mentioned that Haliva bore responsibility for the failure of the sudden attack about a week and a half after the outbreak of the war, stating, “We failed in our most important mission, and as the head of ‘Aman,’ I bear full responsibility for the failure.”

At that time, he pointed out, “In all my visits to Israeli army units in the recent days, I sat down and emphasized that the beginning of the war was an intelligence failure, and the army failed under my leadership to warn of the attack carried out by Hamas. What needs to be investigated, we will investigate deeply and effectively and draw conclusions. But now, there is only one task before us, which is to fight and win.”

Appointment of a replacement

According to a statement from the Israeli army, Haliva will complete his duties and retire from the army after a replacement is appointed, in coordination with the chief of staff and the defense minister.

On Monday, the Israeli army announced the injury of 8 soldiers in battles in the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours.

Since October 7 last year, the occupation state has suffered significant losses in its economy due to the costs of the war, whether through military spending or the deployment of thousands of reserve soldiers, which has greatly affected production, in addition to compensation paid to the affected individuals, along with human losses among the ranks of soldiers and officers of the Israeli army.

Reports indicated that the occupation’s losses amounted to 270 billion shekels by the end of last March.

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- Writer and journalist, born in Homs, 1966, published in various Arab magazines and newspapers since 1983. She studied at the Shari 'a Scientific Institute and then at the Shari' a High School in Homs. She worked as a correspondent for the Arab Equidad newspaper in the United States of America. - New Jersey, Al-Ayam Al-Arabiya, Florida, 1990-2000, Gulf, United Arab Emirates Sharjah - Al-Ittihad Abu Dhabi - Rotana Saudi Magazine - Family Days Magazine (Syrian) Most Syrian newspapers and magazines, after moving to Jordan, followed two press and radio sessions of the community media network and a session of the Doha Center for Media Freedom in Amman and completed dozens of radio reports on the country's radio and Amman Net. I have been working as a collaborator with Zaman Al Wassal on the name "Fars Al Rufai" since 2013. I have an interest in writing about social issues, heritage, phenomena and various artistic subjects. I have many printed books, including: (Questions - confrontations in thought, life and creativity), "Customs and beliefs of Homs Governorate - Syrian Writers' Commission in Damascus 2011, (images from social life in Bedouin) of Al-Rahsah Printing and Publishing House in Homs 2008 and (features and flags from Homs) of Taha Printing and Publishing House 2010. - Many written books, including: (Obad and cultural creations from Syria), (Writing Time - Listening Time - Dialogues in Thought, Life and Creativity) - printed electronically on "eBook", (Trades and Industries of Heritage of Homs), (Exotic Hand, Face and Tongue - Photographs from Popular Heritage s in Homs) and (Famous Homs in the 12th and 13th CentCenturies).


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