
Trump Greenlights West Bank Annexation: What Lies Ahead for Mahmoud Abbas?

U.S. Endorsement of West Bank Annexation and Settlements Raises Questions About Mahmoud Abbas' Future and Palestinian Resistance.

Watan-The situation in occupied Palestine is rapidly intensifying following U.S. President Donald Trump’s full support for the Israeli government’s plans to annex the entire West Bank, a move aimed at eliminating any remaining hopes for an independent Palestinian state.

This development reflects continued U.S. unconditional backing for settlement projects in Palestinian territories, raising questions about the future of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who has long played a key role in coordinating security with the Israeli occupation.

Trump’s Green Light for West Bank Annexation: A Historic Shift and Abbas’ Dilemma

Trump, who previously gave the green light for the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, is now redrawing new borders for the Israeli state, bypassing all previous agreements, including the Oslo Accords that divided the West Bank into different administrative zones.

Israeli occupation forces
West Bank settlements

With this support, the Israeli occupation finds itself with a historic opportunity to impose complete control over the West Bank without significant political obstacles, while Mahmoud Abbas faces a difficult position after years of cooperation with the Israelis under the banner of “security coordination.”

Israeli Settlement Expansion in the West Bank: Escalation and Abbas’ Dilemma

Israeli leaders, who do not even recognize the existence of a region called the “West Bank,” treat it as “Judea and Samaria” and view its annexation as a natural step in completing their settlement project.

The Israeli government, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, has not concealed its intentions to escalate settlement construction and displace Palestinians, while Abbas faces an awkward situation after relying for years on negotiations and diplomacy to maintain his authority.

military movements in the West Bank
Iron Wall escalation

The escalation of settlements in the West Bank threatens to ignite a new Palestinian intifada, as both popular and armed resistance movements will not remain passive in the face of land theft. Images of previous uprisings are still etched in the minds of Palestinians, serving as a clear message that imposing faits accomplis by the occupation will not go unchallenged. As tensions rise, the key question remains: Will the occupation turn on Abbas as it has with other former collaborators, or will he be left to face the Palestinian people’s wrath alone after serving the occupation’s interests?

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