Unveiling ‘The Shameful Land Route’: Activists Chronicle Historic Betrayals of Arab Nations towards Gaza

Watan-A state of intense anger prevailed on social media platforms after Israeli media and news reports revealed a land route supported by the countries of Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.
The occupation resorts to this route to bypass the blockade imposed by the Houthi rebels in the Red Sea.
The anger on social media intensified due to the actions of these Arab countries supporting the occupation, without the slightest consideration for the brutal Israeli massacres committed against Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing crimes and attacks against the residents of the West Bank.
The website “Walla” and the Hebrew Channel 13 described what they called a quiet and secretive move taken by Abu Dhabi, Oman, and Riyadh. They opened a new trade route that circumvents the Houthis and operates at full capacity to support the Israeli occupation.
Intense anger over the “Shameful Land Route
Outrage over the “Shameful Land Route” sparked significant anger from celebrities and activists, led by Oman’s Grand Mufti Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalili, who issued a statement on Saturday describing the actions of these Arab countries as “injustice to close relatives.”
بينما الشعب الفلسطـ.ـيني المكافح المظلوم يعاني من المسغبة ويقاسي من الحرمان؛ نرى نجدة ذوي قرباه للعدو اللدود بما يحتاجه وما لا يحتاجه من المؤن، بقوافل من الشاحنات تتزاحم على الدخول في محطاتها! فأين الأخوة الإسلامية، والنخوة العربية، والنجدة الإنسانية؟! pic.twitter.com/pVPerpyA6M
— أحمد بن حمد الخليلي (@AhmedHAlKhalili) February 3, 2024
In the statement, Al Khalili said, “The situation in occupied Palestine has worsened, reaching the extreme of injustice. The source of injustice is from those who are expected to aid in goodness and victory against the enemy, and yet, they are more hostile than the enemy itself, with greater cruelty,” referring to some countries supplying the occupation through a new land bridge.
Al Khalili added, “The injustice to close relatives is more intense for the soul than the strike of the sharp sword,” continuing, “While the struggling and oppressed Palestinian people suffer from deprivation and hardship, we see the relief provided to the mortal enemy with everything it needs and does not need through convoys of trucks rushing to enter its stations! Where are the Islamic brotherhood, Arab valor, and humanitarian aid?”
أصبحت تراودني الشكوك بأن الحركة الصهيونية حققت حلمها في بعض الدول العربية،وخاصة المنفتحة على التجنيس والتزاوج دون قيود
لذلك آمل كمسلم أن يصدر قرار بإجماع عربي بأن يُخضع أي مسؤول عسكري أو مدني لفحص(DNA)للتأكد من عدم وجود جين يهودي قبل أن يتسلم أمر المسلمين.#طريق_العار_البري pic.twitter.com/zRGUlRfADl— د.حمود النوفلي (@hamoodalnoofli) February 4, 2024
Shame will haunt everyone who participated
“Shame will haunt everyone who participated,” wrote Omani academic Dr. Hamoud Al Nofli from Muscat University about the land route supporting the occupation. He added, “I am starting to have doubts that the Zionist movement has achieved its dream in some Arab countries, especially those open to naturalization and intermarriage without restrictions.”
Al Nofli continued, “I hope as a Muslim that there will be a unanimous Arab decision to subject any military or civilian official to a DNA test to ensure the absence of Jewish genes before taking charge of Muslims.”
الفرق بين عزة اليمن وصهيونية الإمارات التي فتحت طريق بري للصهاينة #طريق_العار_البري pic.twitter.com/bndYBUT2Sz
— أنيس منصور (@anesmansory) February 4, 2024
Palestinian activist Adham Abu Salameh tweeted, participating in the hashtag: “The Shameful Land Route… remember this throughout your lives; this disgrace will undoubtedly haunt everyone involved. Allah is just, and He forbid that His servants be betrayed, no matter how powerful the tyrants of the earth are. Congratulations to the brothers for lifting the siege on their sister ‘Israel.'”
Anis Mansour, who called for participation in the hashtag “The Shameful Land Route,” wrote: “The UAE, a whole country of shame and disgrace. We call on the resistance axis for a resounding deterrence.”
طريق العار البري..
تذكروا هذا طوال حياتكم، هذا العار سيلاحق يقيناً كل من شارك فيه، فالله هو العدل وحاشاه أن يخذل عباده مهما تجبر فراعنة الأرض..هنيئاً للأشقاء فك الحصار عن شقيقتهم “اسرائيل”.. pic.twitter.com/OrqCS9dDwj
— أدهم أبو سلمية 🇵🇸 Adham Abu Selmiya (@adham922) February 1, 2024
The account “Islamic World News” commented on the route, stating, “The Shameful Land Route to support the Zionists was formed by countries that fought against the revolutions of the peoples in Yemen, Sudan, Libya, Egypt, and Syria. They launched their committees and named it the Arab Spring.”
ندعو جميع المغردين الليلة إلى المشاركة في حملة على هاشتاغ
الامارات دويلة كلها عار وشنار
ندعوا محور المقاومة بالردع المزلزل pic.twitter.com/kb8uNl20YB— أنيس منصور (@anesmansory) February 3, 2024
The account added about these countries, “They are the same ones who removed the scholars and reformers of the nation and opened the door wide for everything that undermines Islamic constants, such as celebrations, Westernization, and secularism.”
طريق العار البري لدعم الصهاينة، شكلته بلدان حاربت ثورات الشعوب في اليمن والسودان وليبيا ومصر وسوريا، وكانت تطلق لجانها وتسميه “الربيع العبري”،هم أنفسهم من غيب علماء الأمة ومصلحيها، وفتحوا الباب على مصراعيه لكل ما يهدم الثوابت الإسلامية من حفلات وتغريب وعلمانية!#طريق_العار_البري pic.twitter.com/wIFT0lHPxN
— أخبار العالم الإسلامي (@muslim2day) February 3, 2024
It is worth noting that this trade route, supported by Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, comes amid the suffocating blockade imposed by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip and the closure of the Rafah crossing. This prevents humanitarian aid from reaching the Palestinians who have been facing a genocide for several months.