Exposing the Mask: Moataz Azayza’s Betrayal Unveiled

Watan-Palestinian journalist Moataz Azayza stirred up a wide controversy on social media platforms through tweets that, according to followers, confirmed his collaboration with the occupation and his hidden Zionism, which he exposed shortly after leaving the besieged Gaza Strip.
Moataz Azayza, who showed no signs of siege, war, or suffering, left the besieged enclave and began to adopt the narrative of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who had always been praised by him, as he never criticized him or demanded anything regarding what was happening in Gaza or even the West Bank.
On his account on the X platform, Moataz Azayza wrote: “Those who are not affected by the death and starvation of their people should not concern us with anything else… Cursed be all those who trade with our blood, burn our hearts and homes, and ruin our lives.”
الي ما بيفرق معه موت وجوع شعبه مش لازم يفرق معنا بأي شيء.
ملعون كل من تاجر بدمنا وحرق قلوبنا وبيوتنا وخرب حياتنا— MoTaz (@azaizamotaz9) March 15, 2024
Moaaz Azayza into the arms of the Zionists
Moataz Azayza: From Mahmoud Abbas’s embrace to the embrace of the Zionists Leaving Mahmoud Abbas’s embrace to the supportive embrace of the Palestinian Authority President in the corridors of the United Nations, dressed in elegant clothes and with no signs of siege or war, Moataz Azayza removed his mask to reveal his “collaboration” and “Zionism” to everyone, adopting the narratives of Palestine’s enemies and the plight of its people in tweets that sparked widespread controversy.
Saudi media outlets, which attempted to polish “Azayza’s” image and talked about his departure from Gaza, forgot to mention his mask, which he left behind in the besieged enclave, and his exit in luxurious clothes and a face that appeared to be on a “spying” mission, as he left to a place devoid of justice or humanity.
لم أجد وصفاً يُعبّر عن كمية اشمئزازي سوى أن أقول بأنَّ العرب قديماً كانوا يسمّونَ الأشياء بأضدادها تفاؤلاً أو تهكماً، وسميَّ المدعوّ #معتز لأنَّ ليس به من العزة شيء#معتز_عزايزة pic.twitter.com/idR7vwws7i
— كمشة حكي وشوية صور (@krkyb15) March 16, 2024
Near the United Nations’ gates, Moataz Azayza boasted taking photos without being concerned about the failure of this organization to stop Israeli brutality in Gaza and the West Bank, and to stop the wars and tragedies in various countries in the region.
Adham Abu Salmea, in response to Moataz Azayza’s tweet, wrote: “You’re right, Moataz; Mahmoud Abbas and the Authority, which ignored the death and starvation of our people for years, have no right to speak today.”
“The cursed merchant of Gaza’s tragedy”
He added: “You’re right, Moataz; cursed is the one who coordinates with the occupation and contributed to suffocating the resistance and undermining its work, granting the occupation the opportunity to take control of Gaza and its people.”
“The cursed merchant, Moataz, is the one who lives in safety and peace and profits only, while those who sacrifice their blood and the blood of their children and offer their lives before others to defend their homeland, these are called rebels, placed above the head.”
كلام حازم عن معتز عزايزة فعلاً معتز لايمثل إلا نفسه ولا يعكس صورة الشاب الغزي . pic.twitter.com/urpT1cpauA
— أوُزاي 𓂆 (@Bon_2e) March 16, 2024
An Omani account commented on Moataz’s tweets: “Moataz asks the people of Gaza to coexist with those who killed their families.”
الي ما بيفرق معه موت وجوع شعبه مش لازم يفرق معنا بأي شيء.
ملعون كل من تاجر بدمنا وحرق قلوبنا وبيوتنا وخرب حياتنا— MoTaz (@azaizamotaz9) March 15, 2024
Other followers confirmed that they had long warned against what they described as the spoiled child of Mahmoud Abbas – referring to Moataz Azayza – who used the tragedy of Gaza as a means to trade his cause, gain followers, and garner personal support to move on to another stage, attempting to tarnish the image of the resistance and gather voices against it.
منذ اليوم الأول حذرنا من معتز عزايزة وأن نقله صور المعاناة في غزة كانت مجرد دور يلعبه لصالح أسياده في سلطة أوسلو.
واليوم أكد ما نقوله بهجومه على المقاومة واتهامه بأنها المسؤولة عن المعاناة في غزة، بالضبط مثل ما يقول بايدن أنه حزين على معاناة شعبنا في غزة لكنه يلوم المقاومة…
— yaseenizeddeen (@yaseenizeddeen) March 16, 2024
Saudi newspaper promotes him
A Saudi newspaper attempted to polish Azayza’s image with an article discussing his departure from Gaza to Egypt through the Rafah Crossing.
It stated about him: “He is a photographer and a volunteer with the International Committee of the Red Cross, and he does not work for any news agency, group, or organization. He is an independent photographer who documents events through his camera lens.”