Avoid These 3 Phrases When Talking to Someone with Depression

Experts reveal three harmful phrases that can deepen the emotional pain of those struggling with depression—offering insight into more compassionate support.

Watan-Depression is a silent and insidious illness that affects millions of people around the world, and it can lead to devastating consequences, including, in some cases, suicide.

However, despite the widespread nature of this mental health crisis, we continue to make serious mistakes when trying to support those suffering from it—mistakes that can do more harm than healing.

In this context, Psychology Today stated that there are three phrases we should avoid saying to a depressed person:

1. “Think positively… you’ll feel better”

Telling someone with depression to think positively is like ignoring the pain they’re trying to overcome. It can actually intensify their feelings of guilt, weakness, and inability to confront their sadness.

Experts point out that depression is not just a state of mind—it is a debilitating condition that robs people of the ability to focus on anything or see the positives in life. Escaping the grip of sadness is not easy for them.

Depression is a silent and insidious illness that affects millions of people around the world
Three phrases we should avoid saying to a depressed person:

2. “Why don’t you take antidepressants to get over it?”

While medication is often a part of a treatment plan for depression, assuming it’s a magical fix can be harmful.

Experts say that such advice oversimplifies the complexity of depression and the many factors that influence it. Antidepressants can help, but they don’t solve everything—and they certainly don’t heal the deep emotional and psychological pain that patients experience.

Telling someone with depression to think positively is like ignoring the pain they’re trying to overcome.
Depression Is a Silent and Insidious Illness

3. “You just need to snap out of it”

One of the most harmful things you can say to someone with depression is: “You just need to snap out of it!” This phrase implies that depression is merely a choice—a bad mood that can be cured with a little extra effort.

Experts stress that this phrase has a devastating effect on people with depression. It makes them feel like their suffering is a personal flaw, and that they’re not trying hard enough to get over it—when in fact, they are often completely incapable of doing so.

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