Watan-The United Arab Emirates is running covert operations, espionage, and intelligence warfare in Europe, supported by Israel and tolerated by the West—part of Abu Dhabi’s strategy to expand its rogue influence.
The intelligence-focused account TheDarkBox revealed insights into how the UAE manipulates Europe while evading accountability.
According to the account, the UAE’s growing influence in Europe is driven by Israeli support, which includes espionage, infiltration, and political manipulation.
It also identified key players involved in the UAE’s secret operations in Europe: Lorenzo Vidino – Known as an “academic informant,” Vidino is an Italian-American researcher reportedly involved in supplying the UAE with intelligence, including surveillance on alleged members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe.
Vidino actively promotes Abu Dhabi’s narrative to justify crackdowns on political opposition—disguised as academic research that is directly backed by Emirati intelligence.

Why Is the West Silent?
Double standards and hypocrisy allow the UAE’s covert activities to continue unchecked, exposing the selective accountability applied by Western governments.
Key reasons include:
Economic Interests – The UAE’s massive investments in real estate, technology, and defense have made Western economies increasingly dependent on Emirati money.
Strategic Partnerships – As a counterterrorism ally, the UAE’s geopolitical role shields it from scrutiny.
Arms Trade – Western governments prioritize arms deals over human rights, ensuring the UAE faces no real consequences. Would a non-Western ally receive the same protection?

Abu Dhabi’s Secret Campaigns
The UAE is actively engaged in covert operations and espionage with impunity—and the West is allowing it. Abu Dhabi is no longer just a regional player—it has become a global force in political warfare.
With support from Israel and Western double standards, the UAE is destabilizing democracies while facing zero accountability. There are growing calls for the international community to stop selling its moral integrity for Emirati billions—and to finally hold Abu Dhabi accountable.
Documents have recently exposed the UAE’s funding of an incitement campaign that promotes extremism against Muslim communities in Europe, under the guise of defending “liberal values.”
According to a report by The Bridge Initiative, translated by the European Eye on Middle East Issues, the “Stop Extremism” campaign received regular financial support from the UAE. Organizers of the campaign deliberately concealed their budget and avoided legal disclosures.
The report stated that Stop Extremism claims to aim at creating an EU-wide watchlist of individuals and organizations labeled as “extremist.”