Home News The Haunting Trauma of Gaza’s Children: Rescued and Fear-Stricken

The Haunting Trauma of Gaza’s Children: Rescued and Fear-Stricken

The Haunting Trauma of Gaza’s Children: Rescued and Fear-Stricken
Palestinian Child Trembles in Fear Following Israeli Bombardment in Gaza

Watan – In a deeply moving scene that lays bare the extent of fear and panic engulfing the children of Palestine due to the relentless Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, a video has been shared online showing a Palestinian child, a survivor of the massacres, trembling in fear after being rescued from the rubble.

The video captures the heartbreaking moment of a rescuer carrying a fragile child through the corridor of Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza.

The child appears to be in a state of profound shock, their vacant and dazed gaze mirrored in trembling lips and quivering hands. They seem unable to even speak their own name when gently prompted by the individual cradling them.

Reportedly, the child, whose identity remains undisclosed, reached the hospital unaccompanied, a fate that echoes that of countless children in Gaza whose homes have been obliterated and families decimated, leaving only the survivors to bear the weight of their losses.

Even before the recent Israeli onslaught on Gaza, a significant number of children in the besieged enclave required support to cope with the emotional trauma stemming from the ongoing conflict.

It is undeniable that the current situation has exacerbated the need for children’s mental health services and psychosocial support.

Tragically, the victims of the Israeli aggression, ongoing since October 7th, have predominantly been children and women.

As the 19th day of relentless warfare in Gaza unfolds, Israeli airstrikes continue unabated, demonstrating an alarming disregard for civilian lives.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza has recorded 47 separate massacres in the past few hours, resulting in 704 casualties. This grim tally brings the total number of lives lost over the past two weeks to approximately 6000, a majority of whom are children and women. Furthermore, over 15,000 individuals have been injured, further underscoring the urgent need for international intervention and humanitarian aid.

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