Home News Al Arabiya’s biased alignment with the Israeli occupation forces: Indirect sympathy for Israeli casualties and exaggeration of operations in Gaza

Al Arabiya’s biased alignment with the Israeli occupation forces: Indirect sympathy for Israeli casualties and exaggeration of operations in Gaza

Al Arabiya’s biased alignment with the Israeli occupation forces: Indirect sympathy for Israeli casualties and exaggeration of operations in Gaza
Palestinian Ambassador Hussam Zomlot in the UK

Watan-Palestinian Ambassador Hussam Zomlot has generated widespread social media engagement following his criticism of Al Arabiya for its reporting on the Israeli war in Gaza.

The incident occurred during an interview with Al Arabiya’s presenter, Maysoun Azzam, who inquired about the British Parliament’s vote against a ceasefire in Gaza.

Zomlot addressed Azzam, saying, “Allow me, Sister Maysoun, to comment on your report, which presented the conflict as if both sides, and both demonstrations (in London), were equal. I am not sure about the accuracy of this report.”

He added, “What we witnessed was unprecedented popular activism, especially from the British people in support of Palestine, Palestinian rights, and opposition to injustice, killing, and war crimes that occurred.”

Zomlot emphasized that the historic support shown by the British people should be acknowledged by Arab media. He also stressed the importance of avoiding terms like “conflicting parties” because there is only one party, the occupier, aggressor, colonizer, and besieger, while the Palestinian people are the ones under occupation.

He stated, “Terms like ‘war’ are inappropriate; the fundamental term is a real aggression that rises to the level of genocide.”

Expressing astonishment at Al Arabiya’s claim of 2,000 rallies in support of Israel, Zomlot remarked, “Where are the two thousand supporting Israel? The peoples of the world rose for Palestinian rights.”

The ambassador concluded, “This scene is important to record because the Palestinian people want to feel and realize now that they are not alone, and they are not to be distorted or framed in an equal context.”

Wide Reaction to Statements by the Palestinian Ambassador

Hussam Zomlot, the Palestinian Ambassador in the UK, has ignited a substantial social media reaction with his rebuke of Al Arabiya, drawing both praise for his remarks and sharp criticism of the Saudi channel.

In a tweet, writer Pierre Abi Saab stated: “Among the achievements of the Al-Aqsa Flood, the wide public opinion’s discovery of this influential, educated, informed, skilled communicator, politically savvy, proficient in his arguments, articulate speaker, as solid as the faith of his people.”

He added, “I meant Ambassador Hussam Zomlot, head of the Palestinian mission in the United Kingdom. Listen to him dismantling Al Arabiya’s discourse submerged under the guise of balanced coverage laced with the toxins of soft Zionism.”

Activist Adham Abu Salameh wrote: “Ambassador Hussam Zomlot gives Al Arabiya an important lesson in professionalism, and before that, in journalistic ethics. I liked that he didn’t mention that they are Arabs and that the channel is funded by an Arab state because we all believe that Al Arabiya has become a Zionist channel, funded by the Arab Zionists.”

Activist Mamoun Fendi tweeted: “Ambassador Hussam Zomlot proved that he is a Palestinian leadership mediator capable of gaining acceptance in Gaza, the West Bank, and among a generation representing various Palestinian factions. We can obtain a Palestinian national authority that rises above corruption and quota-based politics and can manage the affairs of an independent Palestine. Leaders of the field + leaders of diplomacy and public service can build a nation.”

He added, “As for the old-time feudists, their era is over, and those who imagine the West Bank is immune to what happens in Gaza are foolish. After Gaza, the West Bank won’t be safe if we don’t understand what’s happening around us. Let the intelligent ones lead and win.”

Activist Khalid Al-Ruwaisan tweeted: “Palestinian Ambassador in London Hussam Zomlot criticizes Al Arabiya and its position on Gaza. A strong, explicit, and swift criticism.”

Al Arabiya Channel: A Zionist Voice in the War on Gaza

Al Arabiya channel has come under intense scrutiny for its handling and coverage of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, with observations indicating a significant tilt towards the Israeli narrative throughout the course of the conflict.

Highlighted during its coverage of the Israeli war on Gaza is Al Arabiya’s apparent biased alignment with the occupying forces through insidious methods and indirect support. The channel is seen to sympathize with the casualties on the Israeli side while exaggerating the scale of their operations within Gaza.

Al Arabiya characterizes Palestinian resistance as terrorism and refrains from highlighting its heroic actions, depicting Gaza’s martyrs as casualties, while referring to Israeli casualties as victims.


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