Home News Houthi Leader Calls for Mass Protests in Yemen and Issues Warning to the U.S

Houthi Leader Calls for Mass Protests in Yemen and Issues Warning to the U.S

Houthi Leader Calls for Mass Protests in Yemen and Issues Warning to the U.S
Protests in Yemen

Watan-In a new statement on Thursday, the leader of the Houthi group in Yemen, Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, called on his popular base and Yemenis to protest on Friday in Sanaa and various squares across Yemen. He also addressed the United States, stating that its attacks on his group will not go unanswered or unpunished.

Earlier, US forces killed 10 Houthi members in the Red Sea by targeting them with drones and sinking three boats belonging to the armed Yemeni group.

The Houthi calls on Yemenis to protest and threatens America

And Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, in his statement published by Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the group’s military spokesperson, called on Yemenis to participate in large protests and marches tomorrow, Friday, with Sanaa’s Seventy Square at the forefront.

He reminded Yemenis of the “necessity to support the oppressed Palestinian people, who are suffering from the Zionist Jews’ crimes of genocide, destroying their cities and homes in Gaza entirely, and committing the worst crimes against them, including burying the living and crushing some with tanks.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi also praised the Yemeni front, which, according to him, has become effective and influential against the Zionist Jewish enemies, ‘starting with ballistic and winged missiles, drones, and extending to a crucial and highly impactful measure on the economy and trade of the Zionist enemies by preventing their affiliated ships from crossing the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, Bab el-Mandeb, and the Red Sea.’

He added: ‘To have a significant impact on the Zionist Jews, who participate in killing the Palestinian people, contribute billions of dollars, and provide political and media support, the American Zionists, who participate in all forms of criminality, are infuriated.’

“Maidan Al-Sabeen”

The Houthi emphasized that “the million-strong turnout of our dear people on Friday in Sanaa at Al-Sabeen Square, and in the rest of the provinces according to the adopted arrangements, is a tribute to the blood of the beloved martyrs who are at the forefront in the field of direct confrontation with the American enemy in the promised victory and holy jihad in support of the Al-Aqsa flood.”

American Escalation

The political office of Ansar Allah (Houthis) affirmed on Thursday that any targeting of Yemen would provoke a broad and significant response, stating that Yemen rejects any threat to its security and stability.

The political office of Ansar Allah, in a statement circulated by Yemeni media, explained that Yemen rejects the claims of the United States and its allies regarding a Yemeni threat to international navigation in the Red Sea, considering it a manipulation of public opinion.

It described the recent American escalation as dangerous and irresponsible, asserting that America and its accomplices must bear the consequences. It pointed out that “America and its wicked allies should realize that their malicious alliance will not prevent Yemen from continuing its support for Gaza through military operations.” The statement also noted that the ongoing events in Gaza for three consecutive months would not have occurred without the support of America and the complicity of Western countries with the criminal Zionist entity, according to the statement’s description.


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