Egyptian Parliamentarians Defy Controversial Land Law, Fear Foreign Ownership in Sinai
Watan-In a courageous stance, Egyptian parliamentarian and the parliamentary leader of the Wafd Party, Abdul Aleem Dawood, expressed his rejection of a proposed law that permits the sale of desert lands to foreign investors.
Dawood stated in his speech during a session in the Egyptian Parliament: “I reject this law a million times. We are in favor of investment, and we encourage it, but not by selling land and allowing foreigners to own it!”
He raised a question, asking: “What if a Zionist person with another nationality, supported by other countries, came to buy Egyptian lands?”
البرلماني محمد عبدالعليم داود يرفض قانون تملك الأجانب لـ”الأراضي الصحراوية” بذريعة أنه يفتح الباب أمام “الصهـ.ـاينة” لتملك أراضٍ في #مصر
— الجزيرة مصر (@AJA_Egypt) January 3, 2024
Members of Parliament oppose the ownership of desert lands by foreigners
Deputy Diaa al-Din Dawood also expressed his rejection of this matter, stating: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and we do not dispute anyone’s patriotism or doubt political intentions.”
He added: “Currently, we are surrounded by a situation that is trying to penetrate the country as we were penetrated before. No one can manipulate Egypt as happened in Syria or Iraq, and the door for this will be through such legislation.”
تصريحات قوية للنائب ضياء الدين داود بشأن #قانون_الأراضي_الصحراوية #مزيد
— مزيد – Mazid (@MazidNews) January 4, 2024
The Egyptian Parliament approved, during its general session on Wednesday, the government’s proposal to amend some provisions of Law No. 143 of 1981 regarding desert lands.
كلمتي بالأمس في الجلسة العامة لمجلس النواب و التي رفضت فيها مشروع القانون المقدم من الحكومة بتعديل بعض أحكام القانون رقم ١٤٣ لسنة ١٩٨١ في شأن #الأراضي_الصحراوية و قد جاء رفضي لاكثر من سبب جوهري أهمهم :
(١/٥)— Amira Saber Qandil🇪🇬 (@amirasabersd) January 4, 2024