
Unveiling the Mystery: Aid Airdrops in Gaza Revealed as Egyptian and Emirati Aircraft

Watan-The “Ikad” platform published an analysis of the identity of the aircraft that dropped aid on the Gaza Strip, resulting in the martyrdom of several individuals.

“Ikad” conducted an analysis of the footage documenting the drops in Gaza on March 8th and 9th, along with analyzing navigation programs to reveal the identity of the aircraft involved.

Lethal Airdrops on Gaza

On March 8th and 9th, several countries conducted new airdrops in northern Gaza, but some boxes fell without opening their parachutes, plummeting forcefully onto civilians and resulting in several martyrs.

The platform analyzed the footage documenting the drops on March 8th, which resulted in the martyrdom of 5 individuals, and identified a clip shared by Al Jazeera correspondent Ismail al-Ghoul on his Instagram account.

This clip was analyzed by the “anno nemo” account, specializing in geolocation, and it was determined to have been captured in the Beach Camp northwest of Gaza City.

Emirati Aircraft

Upon scrutinizing the appearance of the aircraft, it was revealed from the tail and propellers that it was a Boeing C-17 Globemaster aircraft. The UAE utilizes this aircraft for airdrop operations in Gaza, and the United States also possesses the same type of aircraft.

To confirm the identity of the aircraft, the platform reviewed air traffic movements over northern Gaza and observed the passage of the Emirati aircraft with registration number 1225 on March 8th near the location where the footage of the drop in the Beach Camp was captured.

Through analyzing the shape of the aircraft and matching it with navigation data, it was confirmed that the aircraft was indeed the Emirati C-17.

The platform also tracked the airdrop operation conducted on March 9th and found videos posted by the “Noah al-Shaghnoubi” account on Instagram.

Another clip was found from a closer angle, posted by the artist “Muataz” on Instagram.

Upon examining Noah al-Shaghnoubi’s clip, it was revealed that the airdrop took place above the Yarmouk Stadium west of Gaza City.

Egyptian Aircraft

Analyzing the shape of the aircraft that dropped the aid, as shown in the video posted by “Muataz,” it was evident that it was a C-130 model used by several countries such as Egypt, Jordan, the United States, and Belgium.

Upon examining the color of the aircraft, it was determined to be light, which is the color used in Egyptian and Jordanian aircraft.

To verify its identity, the platform reviewed navigation data for aircraft passing near the Yarmouk Stadium on March 9th. Navigation programs did not show the participation of a Jordanian aircraft in the aid drop in Gaza at that time.

However, they did show an Egyptian aircraft with registration number SU-BAE conducting a drop over Gaza without its trajectory being visible.

The platform stated, “We further examined the colors of the aircraft that executed the airdrop on March 9th and found that its nose is distinctively black followed by a light color, and the wingtip is distinguished by a light color as well. These colors were found to match those of the Egyptian aircraft revealed by navigation programs.”

Additionally, the arrangement of colors differs from those of the Jordanian aircraft, which have a black nose followed by a dark color, and its wing color is predominantly uniform unlike the Egyptian aircraft.

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