
Clarifying the Controversy: Will Smith’s Alleged Visit to Morocco

Watan-A controversy has arisen in the past hours following the circulation of an image on social media platforms claimed to be of the American actor Will Smith, with its publishers alleging that he was strolling in the Moroccan capital, Rabat.

In the circulated image, Will Smith is seen accompanied by another person walking on a street purportedly Moroccan.

The truth behind the circulated image

However, the truth behind the image does not depict Smith in Rabat. Upon investigation, it was found to be posted on his Instagram account within a photo album dated March 5th of this year, where he indicated it was taken in Miami, Florida.

At that time, Smith mentioned that the photos documented a visit from the American singer John Batiste on the last day of filming for the movie “Bad Boys,” which is expected to be released in cinemas next June.

Previous visits to Morocco

It’s worth noting that the globally renowned American artist had previously visited Morocco two years ago and appeared in photos from the wedding ceremony of his Moroccan-origin friend, director Adel Al-Arabi.

Will Smith
Will Smith in the streets of Miami.

Last year, the American star appeared in a video urging donations for the victims of the severe earthquake that struck Morocco the previous year.

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